ZeroHour Relic XR2 Review - OuterOptics

ZeroHour Relic XR2 Review

Hot on the heels of the ZeroHour XR and XD selling out across the globe, the ZeroHour team has started up a new crowdfunding account to bring another project to light, the ZeroHour Relic XR2. Many ZeroHour fans stated when the XD tactical flashlight...

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FLIR Scout TK Review - Outeroptics

FLIR Scout TK Review

The FLIR Scout TK features thermal recognition as a built-in quality. This handy piece of equipment allows you to see the great outdoors from a completely new angle. Just imagine putting this apparatus up to your eye and being able to scan the dense...

Anker Bolder Flashlight Review

Anker is one of the most popular brands on the market when it comes to electronics of various kinds, especially in the budget market. From outdoor gear to smartphone accessories and power banks, they’ve got an excellent variety of products. They are...